Sunday 3 April 2016

CODE2121 : WEEK 3

An issue with construction is that the slots weren't measured when cut, this led to an uneven stacking of cards. When the structure failed, it unattached itself from the base,  however the tower still held together. This indicates that if the tower was attached to the base more securely, the structure would be able to withhold more force. In order to resolve this issue, the base could have been slotted into the tower, or nylon string could have been used to tie the elements together. 

CODE2121: WEEK 2 : Activity 3

Since the task was to apply a vertical force , we decided to use rolls of paper which stood up vertically, as it can withhold the most pressure. The paper rolls act as columns and are held together with a strip of paper, which was weaved into a slot as tight as possible. A major design flaw was the scale of the model, it needed to be bigger to be able to hold the reams of paper. This resulted in the structure falling over and then being compressed by the weight. If we made multiple models, for example two more of these, the structural would most likely be able to hold more weight, as the load would be distributed evenly. 

Weight :

Self weight  - 20 grams

Load - 7.5 kg

CODE2121 : WEEK 2: Activity 2

For this activity, we wanted to see what would happen if we made the same structure but with different joints. In this activity all the joints were fixed and formed a similar triangular prism with cross bracing.  The structure was able to hold a lot of weight, I was able to stand on it without it breaking. The system mainly failed due to the cross bracing not being thick enough.  It snapped caused the structure to crush. Pressure was also being put onto one corner of the triangle, and therefore it didn't distribute the load universally.

Self Load - 100 grams
Weight - 80 kg

CODE2121 : WEEK 2 : Activity 1

In this exercise we were asked to create a structure that was vertically stable. We made a triangular prism frame out of satay sticks, and then we used rubber ban to cross brace the rectangular faces. This was implemented to create a triangulated geometry, stopping the prism from twisting when a vertical force is applied.  A major design flaw with structure is that it wasn't measured correctly, making it hard to balance the weight ontop. This made the force uneven and made the structure twist and flatten after applying 5kg. Another issue that caused the system to fail was that the bracing (rubber bands)  wasn't applied evenly. This caused more tension is some areas than others, making the structure twist.

Self load - 100 grams
Weight of load: 5kg

Saturday 2 April 2016

CODE2121 : WEEK 1 : Activity 3

This task was very difficult, as we were not allowed to use glue to hold the structure together, only paper. We came up with a method of weaving the paper, to hold its position, which required cutting slots into our structure. We decided to triangulate the two edges of our “bridge” to allow the loads to distribute outwards towards the tables. After testing the structure was able to hold 10kg, which we found quiet impressive, given the limited amount of paper we had. The structure collapsed by folding in the middle when the load became too much. If the structure was held down on both sides by a weight, it would have been able to hold up a larger load.

Self Load - 80 grams
Weight of load -10 kg

CODE2121 : WEEK 1 : Activity 2

We choose this design to understand the structural integrity of a suspension bridge. The bridges span is slightly larger than 30cm. It is made from sate sticks that are joined with a rubber band to represent a pin joint. Nylon was used to represent the cables in a suspension bridge.When the load was applied onto the bridge, The sate sticks in the middle began to fold inwards. The nylon was in tension, but wasn't strong enough to prevent the bridge from folding inwards.This structure taught me the advantage of using pinjoints is that the structure rather than breaking, folds inwards.

Weight of load: 2 kg